Duncan Regehr - 1990 Interview with Persona Video Magazine
In response to a question about his fencing ability, Regehr states, "It's something that I've had to do in a number of films now, and I've been fortunate enough in this project to get Peter Diamond, who's a wonderful choreographer. He recently did "Princess Bride," all of the fights for "Princess Bride," and he's fabulous. Absolutely fabulous. So, hopefully, with a little library that he keeps in his brain, we can pull out little sequences and use them for Zorro."
Regehr is asked about his experience with horses. "Yeah, I used to raise cutting horses, which wasn't a good idea. . .only because I get really involved with animals if I own them. I get a little emotionally attached to them and they die and you know they get sick and that sort of thing." Regehr hastens to add, "Which is no reason not to have animals, it's just with horses, it was too much for me. But, yeah, sure, I can ride a horse."
When asked about his portrayal of Zorro as compared to previous Zorros, Regehr explains, "Well, for me, I think I'm going to make a little bit of a difference, there in what has been traditionally known about him. Don Diego is to me is. . .is really a put on character, too. In other words, who is the real person behind Don Diego and Zorro? Only his assistant knows the truth. Don Diego is the creation for everyone, including his own father, [he is] a rather retiring, gentle man who is also very bookish. By that I mean, he's also a renaissance man, he's interested in music and art and a lot of things but nothing particularly physical.
"Zorro, on the other hand, is the flash character. He's the bandito, you know, and the swordsman and with that character he's truly a character, a guy you never really get close to and he's twinkling all the time. He has a lot of fun. Even in the worst fight, he's having a good time."